Agricultural Holding August
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Diesel fuel

Diesel fuel

Sale of diesel fuel 

Agriculture is perhaps one of the main consumers of fuel and lubricants. Number of vehicles and tractors involved in farming is one of the highest in the economy. Therefore, stable supply of petroleum products to agricultural producers at appropriate prices is a key to their stable work and prosperity.

Diesel fuel is an important fuel for farm machinery

One of the main fuel types that is necessary for the vast majority of farm machinery is diesel fuel.

Timeline of agricultural work depends on how the sale of diesel fuel have been established in a particular region.

Complex process of transportation and storage of diesel fuel

Transportation and storage of diesel fuel in terms of agricultural production is a much more complex process than it seems at first glance. The difficulties are in higher probability of pollution of diesel fuel by solids and condensate, compared to urban conditions. However, delivery to customers and sales of European class diesel fuel by specialized companies of Agricultural Holding "August" reduces this probability to minimum, and it helps to ensure a long and uninterrupted operation of farmers’ vehicle and tractor engines.

Sale of diesel fuel and other petroleum products by Agricultural Holding"August" is performed in such circumstances which allow to track all of the factors that may affect its properties, and ensure strict compliance of offered petroleum products with the national and European quality standards at the most competitive prices.