Agricultural Holding August
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Sunflower is one of the most essential oil-plants of the global agronomy. Sunflower is the main oil-plant in Ukraine. It is valued for its productivity, profitability, wonderful oil, oil cake, seeds. And as a result all these valued characteristics promote sunflower sale.

As we know people started to cultivate sunflower as an oil-plant in Ukraine and Russia and from there it successfully expanded on other countries. The first sunflower oil production factory was built up in the middle of 19th century. Since that time active sale ofsunflower and sunflower oil was started and the scope of their use expanded rapidly.   

Sunflower is relatively young crop. As an oil-plant it has been cultivated for 150 years. South-west part of Northern America is considered to be Sunflower’s motherland. Spanish brought sunflower to Europe in 1510 and they called it Peruvian Chrysanthemum. At first it was expanded as decorative and garden crop. It was brought to Ukraine in 18th century.

Sunflower has curative abilities. Sunflower oil belongs to the group of semidrying, it has high eating qualities and preferences over other vegetable oils because of its high nutrition and digestibility and that’s why it is desirable for food. The oil is used for cooking and also for production of margarine, cans, bread, and confectionary. Special food value of sunflower oil is predetermined by high content of poly saturated fatty linolic acid that is characterized by high biological activity. Intaking of this acid improves cholesterol exchange that positively influence to human health. Sunflower oil’s composition includes phospholipids, vitamins A, D, E, K and other nutritive components very precious for human. Sunflower seeds offer a lot of magnesium that is necessary for normal activity of human heart and vascular system, vitamin E. That’s why people who care about their health want to buy sunflower oil to use it in everyday food.

The worst varieties of sunflower oil are used for production of varnishes, paints, soap, stearin, linoleum, waterproof textiles, and electric fixtures.

In the course of processing seeds into oil cattle cake or oilseed meal are extracted. They are very important cattle fodder containing 35-36% of protein with all essential amino acids including methionine that takes part in fat exchange; moreover, sunflower contains more methionine then peanuts, walnut and hazel-nut.

100 kg of cattle cake contains 109 fodder units. Sunflower protein has not only forage importance; it is also essential for food and is used for food production.

In the course of sunflower cultivation for forage purposes, herbage (300 – 600 hundred kilograms per hectare) is fed to cattle and also ensilaged.

Almost all honey producer deals with sunflower because it is very important honey plant. Among green crops sunflower is one of the most boon. From 1 hectare when seeds productivity is 25 hundred kilograms per hectare it’s possible to get 1200 kg of oil, 800 kg of cattle cake (300 kg of protein), 500 kg of husk, 1500 kg of hanapers (equal to hey), 35-40 kg of honey and others. For production of 1 ton of sunflower oil it’s necessary to sow 1 hectare and to produce 1 ton of animal fat it’s necessary to sow 8 – 10 hectare of tilled field.

There are flavonoids, triterpene saponosides, sterols, carotinoids, resins, estrogenic principles in leafs and flowers of sunflower. From one hectare of sunflower when seeds productivity is 20 hundred kilograms per hectare it’s possible to get: 900 – 950 kg of oil, 340 kg of protein, 35 – 40 kg of honey, 12000 kg of dry hanapers, 460 – 520 kg of husk. Seeds of modern high oil varieties contain 50 – 55% of oil and 16% of protein and the core respectively – 65 – 67% and 22 – 24%. This was thereason why sunflower wholesale is so popular during many years.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine crop acreages of sunflower occupy 4,5 mln hectares. In 2010 7,15 mln tons of sunflower seeds were harvested with the productivity of 16,1 hundred kilograms per hectare (15,8 hundred kilograms per hectare in last year).          

Agricultural Holding “August” welcomes new partners for cooperation. We offer tobuy sunflower by wholesale at competitive price.