Agricultural Holding August
Tel.: +38 066 101 3787
Mob.: +38 067 440-34-91
WhatsApp, Viber.: +38 067 440-34-91
Agricultural Holding August
Tel.: +38 066 101 3787
Mob.: +38 067 440-34-91
WhatsApp, Viber.: +38 067 440-34-91
Millet, as well as wheat, is an ancient cereal grain that was known to the people of Southern and Central Asia since 4000 - 5000 b.c. Sowing acreages of millets are the fourth in the global agronomy among main cereal grains.
In Ukraine sowing acreages change by years within 200 thousand hectares. Average yield is up to 17,2 hundred kilograms per hectare. Farmers which successfully cultivate millets during many years use intensive technology and get 40 – 50 hundred kilograms per hectare of grains and more. Such high productivity promotes millet wholesale.
Millets are thermophilic and heat tolerant, they can live through longstanding drought. Millets can live through the temperature of 30 – 40oC better than other cereal grains. They are able to provide relatively high and sufficiently stable yields even in drought years. Millet yields are often higher than those of other crops. That’s why it is possible to buy millet even in lean seasons.
Millets are the crop without wastes. Owing to sufficient starch content millets are used for alcohol production and with this purpose millet is bought by wholesale.
Groat and flour are made of millet grains. Grains, peeling and straw are used as a cattle fodder.
Millets are one of the most important groat crops. Millet groat is very nutritive and has good taste characteristics. Millet groat distinguishes from other groats (rice, oat and barley) by high content of protein (up to 14%) and fat (3,5%) trailing only oat groat, it boils soft and digests well. By starch content millet groat is equal to other groats (70 – 74%), it also contains manganese, zinc, and a little of fiber. This groat is rich in ash constituents and contains vitamins B1, B2, PP and microelements. Every company that deals with millet sale promotes their products as healthy and highly nutritive.
Wastes from processing of millet into groat are a valuable concentrated cattle fodder. Grains and millet porridge are essential fodder for birds. One kilogram of grains contains 0,97 fodder units.
Millets are important because they are used as emergency crop for resowing of dead winter crops, as a nurse crop for perennial plants; millets are also useful for postharvest sowings. Two harvests per year can be obtained providing warmth and moisture and also using irrigation.
In Ukraine millets can be sown late that gives the possibility to the crop to use summer rains efficiently. For this reason millets are widely used as emergency crop for resowing of dead winter and early spring crops and for stubble sowings for green fodder.
In Ukraine as of November 1st 127 thousand tons of millets were harvested by average yield 15,3 hundred kilograms per hectare.
Agricultural Holding “August” welcomes new partners for cooperation. We offer tobuy millet by wholesale at competitive price.