Agricultural Holding August
Tel.: +38 066 101 3787
Mob.: +38 067 440-34-91
WhatsApp, Viber.: +38 067 440-34-91
Agricultural Holding August
Tel.: +38 066 101 3787
Mob.: +38 067 440-34-91
WhatsApp, Viber.: +38 067 440-34-91
Soybeans are substantial protein and oil crop in the global agronomy. The most essential features of all plant kingdom are concentrated within a soybean. It is the global leader in production volumes and usage among high protein and oil crops. Soybeans are characterized by high adaptation to regional conditions, universality of use, balanced protein and its functional activity.
Southeast Asia is considered to be soybeans’ motherland. Soybeans are known in China since 6000 b.c. Starting from 4000 b.c. they were cultivated in Korea, India, Japan and other countries. Chinese were the first who found nutritive features of this crop. In China soybeans has always been an alternative to meat and milk products. In Europe people started to cultivate soybeans only in 17th century, and in Ukraine – in the second part of 19th century.
Today soybeans are successfully cultivated in all continents, the crop is essential in 50 countries and plays crucial role in forming of corn, food and forage balance. During many years soy oil is used for production of margarine, infant food, spices. It is also used in meat production, cannery, pharmaceutical, paint and varnish chemistry, and other industrial branches. Today soy is also used as an element of fuel for cars and agrimotors with diesel powered engines. All these are the reasons to buy soybeans by wholesale.
Everyone who deals with soy sale knows that soybeans are essential grain legume in the world; the beans are balanced by proteins and digestible amino acids. Soybean contains 30-50% of protein, 13-26% of fat, 25-30% of carbohydrate, enzymes, vitamins, minerals. It’s hard not to pay attention to food significance of soy. No other plant can produce such amount of proteins and fats during 4 – 5 month. Nothing compares to soy regarding the number of food products produced of it. Soy protein and oil can be found as an ingredient in more than 1000 food products starting from salad spices, soy meat, bread and finishing with readymade food. Today a lot of food products made of soy offer new tastes and we really appreciate it.
In fact, soy protein is biologically completed. It contains all essential amino acids and vitamins – carotene, B1, B2, C, D1, D3, E, K, enzymes.
Among cereals and grain legumes nothing can be compared to soy regarding protein concentration. Soy’s phenomena means that during one vegetation season two yields of protein and fat are synthesized together with almost all organic matters, which exist in plant kingdom.
High content of protein and essential balance of amino acids are the reason that today it is possible to buy soy as a wonderful alternative to food products of animal origin in human nutrition. Sauces, milk, cheese, cutlets, egg powder substitutes, sweets, sausages, and others are made of soy and used as diet foods with antisclerotic features. The peculiarity of soy’s chemical composition is the content of phosphatides – lecithin and nephalin - necessary for nerve tissue nutrition.
Soy sale– the important technical crop – plays one of the leading roles in agricultural market. It dominates in the global vegetable oil production; it is used both in food industry and industrial production of varnishes, paints, soap, plastics, glue, synthetic fibers. Today 60% of soybeans are processed into oil. Today it is very easy to buy soy and very healthy soy oil because human body ingests 98% of the oil. Soy has a large number of eicosanoic acids (linolic acid and linolenic acid) which are not synthesized by human body and should enter with food. It decreases cholesterol level and positively influences on brain activity, improve visual sense. Today people who care about their health want to buy soy products for everyday food.
Soy is very important forage legume; it can be fed to cattle as a cattle cake, soybean oil meal, milk, protein concentrates, green fodder, hay, silage, straw. Cattle cake can be used as universal protein concentrated fodder. There are 1,26 fodder units, 354g of digestible protein and 28g of lisin in 1 kg. In many cases it is necessary to buy soy by wholesale for cattle farming.
Soy has an agro technical importance. It acquires nitrogen from the air and leaves behind 60-90kg/hectare biologically fixed nitrogen, clears the field from weeds and appears to be a good predecessor for following sowing.
According to information of Agricultural Holding “August” in 2010 in Ukraine soybeans were cultivated on 1,06 hectares of crop acreage. An average yield of soybeans in Ukraine is 18-22 hundred kilograms per hectare. By the latest information 1,687 mln. tones of soybeans were harvested in 2010.