Agricultural Holding August
Tel.: +38 066 101 3787
Mob.: +38 067 440-34-91
WhatsApp, Viber.: +38 067 440-34-91
Agricultural Holding August
Tel.: +38 066 101 3787
Mob.: +38 067 440-34-91
WhatsApp, Viber.: +38 067 440-34-91
Rice is the essential food for the most of the world's population. It has a high consumer quality, rice is digests well. It is a product of diet, child and medical nutrition.
Rice grain – is used as the raw material to produce rice grits and starch.
The composition of rice consists of eight essential amino acids that are required by the human body to create new cells. Rice grain is composed of proteins at 7-8%.
Rice, unlike other grains, contains no gluten - gluten which causes allergic reactions for some people. Rice contains almost no salt, so it is recommended to those seeking to weight lose. Rice contains a lot of potassium; it also has phosphorus, zinc, iron, calcium and iodine.
Rice is an important source of B vitamins, which help to strengthen the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails.
There are many varieties of rice. Color, flavor and nutritional value of rice primarily depend on the processing method.
By types of rice grain rice is subdivided into:
• long grain rice;
• middle grain rice;
• round grain.
By way of processing rice is divided into:
• brown rice with minimum grain processing;
• white polished rice;
• steamed rice, steamed to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.
Agricultural Holding “August” offersdifferent types of rice grits. Range and quality standards of rice meet the requirements of GOST 6292-93, package - bags of 50 kg.
Rice grits offered by Agricultural Holding “August” – the group of companies that works professionally in the agricultural market of Ukraine– are high quality product.